Always stay connected to Rainbow Six Siege with the R6Stats app. It has all the features you need to stay on top of your stats, view friends stats, view casual, ranked, weapon, and overall stats, and see how you’re doing in the leaderboard. R6Stats includes several features that neither the official Rainbow Six website does not display nor any other stat tracking site. In a game such as Rainbow Six siege, where competition is everything, being able to track your stats and daily progression is of the utmost important. The trademarks Rainbow Six, the Soldier Icon, Uplay, & the Uplay logo are owned by Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries
始终保持连接到彩虹六号攻城与R6Stats应用。它拥有所有你需要留在你的属性之上,查看好友统计,查看散的特征,排名,武器,和整体的统计,看看你是如何在排行榜做。 R6Stats包括几个特点,无论是官方彩虹六号网站不显示或任何其他的统计追踪站点。在游戏中,如彩虹六号围攻,在竞争就是一切,能够追踪统计资料和日常进展是极为重要的。该商标彩虹六号,士兵图标,uPlay公司,与该uPlay公司标识是由育碧娱乐在美国和/或其他国家所拥有